Course Overview
Web Designing Training in Delhi by Gro Tech Learn Foundation (GTLF) enables the students to get practical exposure on website designing. We will provide a website and domain free to our students with this course in which they can practically implement whatever we teach. Finally all the students needs to submit the project in which they have to design a unique and creative design.
This Course is specially based on the current going interviews (What company need and looking for in a web designer.) for web designers and xhtml-css developers. if you really want to be the high rating and creative web designer then this Boot camp is for you.
Detailed Syllabus of website Designing Course:-
1. Fundamental of Web Page Designing
2. Different Rules of Web Designing
3. Launching a Website
4. Understanding Cpanel and FTP
5. Supporting Browsers for Web pages
6. Client Side and Server Side Scripting
7. Mobile Compatible Web Designing
9. File saving modes
10. Shopping Portals and E-commerce Designing
11. SEO-Friendly Web Structure
12. Different Frameworks in Website Designing
13. Tags, Div and Table in HTML
14. Webpage layout and structure
15. Choosing color combination
16. Choosing Website Themes
17. Image Optimization or Resizing Images
18. Uploading Audios and Videos in Website
19. Doctype and HTML Heads
20. Body and Header Tags
21. Attributes for Background, Bg color and Text color
22. New tags added in HTML5
23. Margin, padding & positioning
24. SVG
25. Video & Audio Tags
26. Canvas
27. Geolocation
28. Shadow & Gradient
29. Borders radius
Course Format
- Video Tutorials
- Checking the Task
- Pulvinar sapien
- Software
Duration Course
- 3 Weeks
- 5 Video Tutorials
- 3 Hours of Consultations
- 1.5 Hours Webinar